GROWATT WIFI Module Wifi-F plug-and-play monitoring

Sale price$71.00



Growatt WiFi-F

Wifi-F is a plug-and-play monitoring device to help monitor the status of the PV system, this device is installed on inverter or controller for uploading and receiving datas from the server.


Model ShineWiFi-F
General Data
Dimensions(Length/Width/Height) 135/79/29
Weight 63g
Manual language English, Chinese
Wireless Parameters
Wireless type WiFi
Wireless standard 802.11 b/g/n
Transmit power 802.11b: +20dBm(Max.);
802.11g: +18dBm(Max.);
802.11n: +15dBm(Max.)
Receiver sensitivity 802.11b: -89dBm(Max.);
802.11g: -81dBm(Max.);
802.11n: -71dBm(Max.)
Hardware Parameters
Data Interface UART: 9600bps; Ethernet: 100Mbps
Operating Voltage 5V (+/-15%)
Operating Current 1A
Operating Temperature -20°C~+65°C
Storage Temperature -40°C~+70°C
Network Type AP (Acess Point); station mode (with soft AP)
Security Mechanisms WEP / WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
Encryption WEP64 / WEP128 / TKIP / AES
Application on Parameters
Supported servers ShineServer
Inverter communication USB A-type
Sever Communication WiFi via router (Modbus TCP protocol)
Supported Routers Wireless router (Include 3G router)
User Configuration Interface Wireless web server (Internet Browser)
Max. Communication Range 100m
Data Transfer Interval 5 minutes
Default Server URL

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